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"Clouds come floating into my life,

no longer to carry rain or usher storm,

but to add colour to my sunset sky".


Rabindranath Tagore

Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed.

So said author and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar. Put simply, life coaching looks at where you are now and turns the focus to where you want to get to. I offer a talking therapy fit for the 21st century, one that combines the benefits of both coaching and counselling, bringing some of the depth of therapy alongside the focus on a client's personal strengths, potential and ambitions. 

Coaching vs Counselling or Therapy

In simple terms, counselling & therapy look primarily at a person’s past. By contrast, coaching focuses on future goals, objectives and desires, and seeks to establish the most effective way to get there. It is generally agreed that coaching is largely a future-orientated process that enables people to identify where they want to get to in their working and/or personal lives, why they want to get there, and how best to navigate a route to the destinations. Therapy is generally seen as essentially concerned with relieving distress, healing emotional wounds, resolving inner conflicts, changing unhelpful habits of thought and behaviour, and thereby enabling people to live without psychological pain. My strength lies in the combination of the two disciplines, thereby amplifying the benefits.

Three words describe what I do as a therapeutic life coach:

With the help of positive psychology and insightful questioning, you will begin to feel more empowered and in control of your life. Step by step, I will help guide you to design and create the life, business and career that you want


You are the expert in your life and career. Together, we will work to examine what you want more of and what you want less of.


Broadening perspective and opening your mind via use of goals

They key is empowering YOU by improving your;


  • Self-awareness and clarity with what you want.

  • Direction and focus

  • Motivation to maximise your potential

  • Focus

  • Resilience 

  • Health and well being

  • Confidence

  • Communication 

  • Understanding of yourself and others


Giving you the power back to be the driver in your own life

If you are:

  • Facing a crossroads

  • Aware something just does not feel right

  • Unsure of where you want to get to

  • Needing to stop and take stock

  • Wanting more from your personal or professional life

  • Feeling uninspired and unmotivated

then my style of coaching is what you need.


Taking you from where you are now to where you want to go, in small manageable steps

About Me

‘Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.’ Voltaire


My name is Daniella Gilbertson and I am a qualified counsellor and life coach, uniquely integrating the benefits of both disciplines.

I have been practising for many years and am known for my positive, forward-focused approach to life and coaching. I believe passionately in coaching and have seen time and time again the transformative effects it can have on a person’s life, both personal and professional.

I work with the dynamic tension between the desire for forward motion, the 'zing' of coaching, with the necessary excavation of the past. 

There are no quick or magic fixes, no ‘pixie dust’, but your commitment to the space and reflection provided by the coaching process facilitates remarkable understanding, growth, and development.


My pricing is more reasonable than you might think and I offer a variety of packages, including competitive corporate rates

The duration of the work is as long or as short as we decide. Please get in touch and we can work out the best package for you.

I offer both personal life coaching & business coaching

It is the alteration of your thought process combined with the desire to change by being challenged, and by challenging yourself, that will ultimately allow you to establish and achieve your goals.

Am I the right coach for you?

My coaching philosophy is premised on honesty and openness. You will feel supported and challenged at the same time. We work to establish both where you are and how far that is from where you want to be. Sometimes it’s hard, sometimes it’s enjoyable. But it’s always effective.

"The most secure prisons are those we construct for ourselves"

Dr Livingston

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